March 30-April 1, 2017
William and Mary - Williamsburg, VA

Men's 4 x 1500 Relay

1 Villanova A Colin O'Mara, Logan Wetzel, Andrew Marston, Ben Malone 15:49.77 15:40.36 14:34.54 18:01.42 20:13.07 17:05.00 10
2 William and Mary A Ryan McGorty, Riley Covert, David Barney, Dawson Connell 19:21.17 15:44.04 13:22.44 16:21.81 14:28.52 12:16.36 8
3 American A Benjamin Doiron, Liam Purdy, Matthew Rainey, Alaeldin Tirba 17:12.67 15:47.40 18:28.46 19:44.25 15:28.46 16:53.72 6
4 Marist A Saad Baig, Zachary Ropes, Steven Rizzo, Stefan Morton 15:50.99 16:00.59 20:19.95 14:43.75 11:31.63 14:43.75 5
5 Bucknell A William Bordash, Luke Giugliano, Ross Pirnie, Drew Dorflinger 18:06.56 16:01.55 15:32.71 13:27.71 11:32.32 15:51.94 4
6 Christopher Newport A William Rabil, Daniel Read, Zachary Campbell, Jeffrey Dover 11:52.03 16:02.20 14:16.36 12:49.76 17:38.42 20:02.75 3
7 St. Joseph's (Pa.) A John Walker, Collin Crilly, Joshua Clark, Justin Branco 13:00.72 16:03.85 15:54.22 15:44.58 15:06.02 14:37.11 2
8 George Mason A Brent Coulter, Trent Lancaster, Dustin Jutras, Marcus Hatchett 19:04.60 16:10.00 12:26.90 19:33.70 16:29.40 20:12.50 1
9 Lock Haven A Jack Felt, Patrick Miller, Mitchell Coakley, Alex Coburn 19:44.50 16:10.90 13:54.98 19:15.37 16:10.90 19:15.37 -
10 Stonehill A Joseph Santo, Alex Demeule, Chris Drace, Riley Dowd 11:22.50 16:15.00 18:41.25 17:33.00 18:02.25 15:55.50 -
11 La Salle A Bradley Heuer, Brendan Robertson, Dylan Titon, Andrew Gorsuch 16:15.75 16:15.75 17:04.54 16:45.03 14:57.69 13:10.36 -
12 Rutgers A Alex Livernois, Dom Munson, Nick Price, Trent Brinkofski 15:11.60 16:20.21 17:58.24 19:16.65 13:13.97 20:05.66 -
13 St. Joseph's (Pa.)
B Will Sponaugle, John Podles, Dan Savage, John Mascioli 17:31.35 16:22.57 15:33.45 15:03.97 17:11.70 13:25.71 -
14 Johns Hopkins A Vipul Bhat, Kevin Peters, Alex Condotti, PJ Murray 16:00.49 16:30.19 16:40.10 17:19.70 18:58.72 14:31.37 -
15 William and Mary
B Andrew Cacciatore, Ryan Onders, Ryan Thompson, JP Trojan 18:31.07 16:32.02 15:22.58 16:22.10 14:13.14 18:21.15 -
16 UMass Lowell A Chris Skelly, Kevin Murphy, Timothy Poitras, Phillip Demers 20:56.67 16:37.35 11:58.10 19:46.85 19:16.93 12:08.07 -
17 VCU A Calvin Wood, Austin Conway, Lucas Sidle, Michael Villagomaz 18:09.07 16:39.14 11:49.39 21:38.89 15:09.22 12:59.33 -
18 Columbia A Ryan Dearie, Lucky Schreiner, Jake Caswell, Mike McClemens 18:39.77 16:39.79 15:39.81 12:19.85 17:49.78 20:49.74 -
19 George Washington A Paul Housey, Conner James, Seamus Roddy, Trevor Sye 18:35.02 16:44.52 14:23.89 18:04.89 18:55.11 13:23.62 -
20 Fordham A Sean Sullivan, Ryan Kutch, Devin Rocks, Ryan McGann 12:15.07 16:46.94 12:45.28 18:27.64 21:18.82 21:18.82 -
21 Rochester A Ivan Frantz, Benjamin Martell, Chris Cook, Eric Franklin 13:09.77 16:52.52 14:51.02 11:48.77 20:15.03 19:54.78 -
22 Christopher Newport
B Jarrell Hibler, Peyton Artz, Daniel Cretney, Calvin Miller 13:21.88 16:55.03 18:36.54 14:02.48 20:28.19 16:44.88 -
23 Johns Hopkins
B Colton Takata, Andrew King, Arvind Arikatla, Jack Armand 19:55.14 17:19.25 13:09.83 13:51.40 17:40.04 14:01.80 -
24 St. Francis (N.Y.) A Fredis Baires, jorge Palapa, Isaiah Ruiz, Luis Porto 22:45.47 17:46.77 22:45.47 13:52.08 18:08.11 16:21.43 -
Men's 4 x 1500 Relay Section 1
1 Villanova O'Mara, Wetzel, Marston, Malone 14:06.33 13:56.92 17:23.80 20:22.47 15:40.36 10
2 William and Mary McGorty, Covert, Barney, Connell 13:41.32 16:59.57 12:25.80 13:41.32 15:44.04 8
3 American Doiron, Purdy, Rainey, Tirba 18:18.99 16:44.25 12:09.50 13:34.77 15:47.40 6
5 Bucknell Bordash, Giugliano, Pirnie, Dorflinger 18:35.40 20:40.40 12:01.17 16:01.55 16:01.55 4
6 Christopher Newport Rabil, Read, Campbell, Dover 20:02.75 18:16.91 14:54.85 14:16.36 16:02.20 3
7 St. Joseph's (Pa.) Walker, Crilly, Clark, Branco 19:35.90 11:53.25 15:25.30 15:15.66 16:03.85 2
9 Lock Haven Felt, Miller, Coakley, Coburn 18:07.41 12:27.60 13:16.14 12:27.60 16:10.90 -
11 La Salle Heuer, Robertson, Titon, Gorsuch 16:54.78 15:17.21 15:46.48 19:50.42 16:15.75 -
13 St. Joseph's (Pa.)
Sponaugle, Podles, Savage, Mascioli 17:21.53 19:58.74 20:38.04 16:42.23 16:22.57 -
14 Johns Hopkins Bhat, Peters, Condotti, Murray 17:29.61 18:48.82 12:32.55 21:17.35 16:30.19 -
16 UMass Lowell Skelly, Murphy, Poitras, Demers 18:27.06 12:37.99 20:56.67 15:57.46 16:37.35 -
18 Columbia Dearie, Schreiner, Caswell, McClemens 11:49.85 19:49.75 17:09.79 18:09.78 16:39.79 -
23 Johns Hopkins
Takata, King, Arikatla, Armand 22:10.24 18:21.61 17:19.25 17:29.65 17:19.25 -
Men's 4 x 1500 Relay Section 2
4 Marist Baig, Ropes, Rizzo, Morton 16:00.59 16:00.59 14:14.93 17:46.26 12:48.48 19:41.53 5
8 George Mason Coulter, Lancaster, Jutras, Hatchett 17:56.70 16:10.00 18:35.50 13:44.50 11:48.10 18:35.50 1
10 Stonehill Santo, Demeule, Drace, Dowd 13:09.75 16:15.00 20:09.00 17:23.25 14:08.25 18:21.75 -
12 Rutgers Livernois, Munson, Price, Brinkofski 17:48.43 16:20.21 11:55.56 13:13.97 19:36.26 12:54.37 -
15 William and Mary
Cacciatore, Onders, Thompson, Trojan 14:13.14 16:32.02 16:32.02 11:44.34 16:32.02 19:20.67 -
17 VCU Wood, Conway, Sidle, Villagomaz 13:09.32 16:39.14 13:59.28 15:49.19 19:19.01 14:09.27 -
19 George Washington Housey, James, Roddy, Sye 17:44.80 16:44.52 14:33.94 20:55.65 13:43.71 14:03.80 -
20 Fordham Sullivan, Kutch, Rocks, McGann 17:37.29 16:46.94 17:37.29 17:27.22 13:25.56 14:05.83 -
21 Rochester Frantz, Martell, Cook, Franklin 15:41.65 16:52.52 19:54.78 15:11.27 19:34.53 18:13.53 -
22 Christopher Newport
Hibler, Artz, Cretney, Miller 14:22.78 16:55.03 16:14.43 16:44.88 12:00.68 13:32.03 -
24 St. Francis (N.Y.) Baires, Palapa, Ruiz, Porto 14:45.42 17:46.77 15:49.43 20:05.45 19:22.78 21:41.46 -