February 8- 9, 2013
Grand Valley State-Laker Turf Building - Allendale, MI
300m (Flat)

Women's Distance Medley Relay

1 Loyola (Ill.) A Sydney Stuenkel, Catherine Crisler, Alyvia Clark, Gina Valgoi 11:44.18 13:43.89 12:54.60 14:54.31 12:19.39
2 Grand Valley St. A Hannah Osborn, Andrea Kober, Lisa Galasso, Jessica Janecke 11:48. 12:16. 8:29. 9:26. 11:19.
3 Illinois State A Ashley Kamin, Jenna Combs, Kaley Ummel, Kimberly Christensen 11:57.35 9:05.19 9:48.23 11:14.31 15:18.21
4 Northwood A Brittany Robichaud, Marsadie Cinato, Brittany O'Hora, Madison Pines 11:59.66 15:28.37 11:38.07 11:38.07 11:38.07
5 Southern Illinois A Alyssa Allison, Allison Gallo, Mobola Rotibi, Kelley Gallagher 12:00.09 10:48.09 15:07.32 11:09.69 8:24.07
6 Grand Valley St.
B Alison Work, Brittany Terry, Natalie Nelson, Katelyn Cliff 12:01.89 13:42.96 8:54.20 10:13.61 11:33.02
7 Wheeling Jesuit A Jennifer McFarland, Olivia Lent, Lindsey Mills, Megan Truelove 12:02.64 13:58.27 12:02.64 13:36.59 9:30.89
8 Calvin A Jodi Hoekstra, Olivia Butler, McKenzie Diemer, Nicole Michmerhuizen 12:03.87 11:34.92 12:11.11 8:33.95 13:23.50
9 Bellarmine A Angela Musk, Kristin Hamrick, Maggie Wagner, Emily Frith 12:04.64 15:20.30 8:41.74 11:35.66 14:15.08
10 Calvin
B Kaylea Brase, Kelley Tuinenga, Rebekah Folkema, Kate Ardinger 12:10.81 15:20.82 14:15.05 11:41.58 14:15.05
11 Cornerstone A Julia Contreras, Lyndee Sayers, Julie Oosterhouse, Jill Louisignau 12:20.99 8:38.70 9:23.16 10:07.62 13:05.45
12 Academy of Art A Arianna Michaels, Dominique Berry, Heather Castro, Jenny Bergren 12:23.26 13:15.29 15:06.78 14:59.35 12:08.40
13 Spring Arbor A Krista Broekema, Lindsey Prether, Faith Gunderson, Carissa Hudson 12:23.6 12:01.2 15:44.3 13:52.8 14:07.7
14 Wayne St. A Kayla Gagnon, Kelsey Chapman, Brittany Johnson, Amanda Brewer 12:27.76 14:57.32 11:50.38 16:12.09 8:43.44
15 Olivet Nazarene A Hannah Endrizzi, Natalie Puent, Kylie Lippencott, Christy Trank 12:28.48 8:51.42 11:13.64 15:35.60 9:21.36
16 Western Michigan A Destinee Lukianoff, Jordan Anderson, Jeriesha Tucker, Tiffany Rauch 12:33.08 14:48.64 10:55.18 10:55.18 11:25.31
17 Aquinas A Crysta Paganelli, Fiana Comer, Mary Bogardus, Rachael Steil 12:45.47 13:00.78 13:46.71 13:23.75 12:14.86
18 Macomb CC A Kayla Smade, Dayle Micale, Alyssa Auth, Lauren Zens 12:49.63 9:29.53 12:34.24 11:24.97 9:52.62
19 Northern Michigan A Larissa Halonen, Jaylee Brown, Katie Granquist, Evelyne Ruiz 12:58.62 11:56.33 13:45.34 9:59.54 9:59.54
20 Cuyahoga CC A Natalie Pearson-Beard, Denise Nemeth, Cheyenne Hunt, Alexis Bradley 15:44.34 16:22.12 16:59.89 18:15.44 17:37.66
Women's Distance Medley Relay Section 1
1 Loyola (Ill.) Stuenkel, Crisler, Clark, Valgoi 8:27.01 14:54.31 10:54.89 11:44.18 12:19.39 13:43.89 10:26.72
2 Grand Valley St. Osborn, Kober, Galasso, Janecke 14:45. 13:41. 14:16. 11:48. 13:48. 8:58. 13:55.
3 Illinois State Kamin, Combs, Ummel, Christensen 13:23.44 12:54.74 15:11.04 11:57.35 13:59.30 13:59.30 12:26.05
4 Northwood Robichaud, Cinato, O'Hora, Pines 12:21.25 14:02.01 13:33.22 11:59.66 14:59.58 11:59.66 13:18.83
5 Southern Illinois Allison, Gallo, Rotibi, Gallagher 14:24.11 10:12.08 13:55.31 12:00.09 10:12.08 11:38.49 11:02.49
6 Grand Valley St.
Work, Terry, Nelson, Cliff 11:04.14 14:47.93 14:40.71 12:01.89 15:02.37 10:28.05 14:04.62
7 Wheeling Jesuit McFarland, Lent, Mills, Truelove 8:54.76 13:14.91 11:12.06 12:02.64 13:36.59 9:30.89 9:01.98
8 Calvin Hoekstra, Butler, Diemer, Michmerhuizen 13:45.22 10:29.77 14:14.17 12:03.87 13:09.02 10:29.77 9:46.34
9 Bellarmine Musk, Hamrick, Wagner, Frith 15:34.79 13:38.85 14:00.59 12:04.64 13:24.35 9:17.98 13:02.62
10 Calvin
Brase, Tuinenga, Folkema, Ardinger 9:22.73 8:46.19 8:38.88 12:10.81 15:35.44 10:57.73 12:10.81
11 Cornerstone Contreras, Sayers, Oosterhouse, Louisignau 14:49.19 13:12.86 10:37.26 12:20.99 14:19.55 10:37.26 12:20.99
12 Academy of Art Michaels, Berry, Castro, Bergren 10:02.04 11:08.94 14:29.62 12:23.26 9:39.75 11:23.80 8:55.15
Women's Distance Medley Relay Section 2
13 Spring Arbor Broekema, Prether, Gunderson, Hudson 13:08.2 14:52.3 12:23.6 15:36.9
14 Wayne St. Gagnon, Chapman, Johnson, Brewer 8:58.39 10:58.03 12:27.76 16:12.09
15 Olivet Nazarene Endrizzi, Puent, Lippencott, Trank 13:58.30 15:05.66 12:28.48 15:05.66
16 Western Michigan Lukianoff, Anderson, Tucker, Rauch 15:18.76 14:41.11 12:33.08 15:03.70
17 Aquinas Paganelli, Comer, Bogardus, Steil 13:39.06 11:13.62 12:45.47 14:24.99
18 Macomb CC Smade, Micale, Auth, Zens 12:18.85 11:32.67 12:49.63 13:05.03
19 Northern Michigan Halonen, Brown, Granquist, Ruiz 14:55.42 13:14.20 12:58.62 15:34.35
20 Cuyahoga CC Pearson-Beard, Nemeth, Hunt, Bradley 18:06.00 14:09.91 15:44.34 18:15.44