College Bests

55 60
11.18 (1.3)
23.20 (0.3)
Gregory Invitational    May 17-20, 2011
100 11.18 (1.3) 12th (P)
200 23.20 (0.3) 19th (F)
Dr. Keeler Invitational    May 12-13, 2011
100 11.30 (1.0) 24th (F)
Michigan Intercollegiate (MIAA) Track & Field Championships    May 5- 6, 2011
100 11.56 (-1.0) 12th (P)
200 23.54 (-2.0) 15th (P)
4x100 43.88 5th (F)
Aquinas College Quad Meet    Apr 29-30, 2011
100 11.65 5th (F)
Ernie Mousseau Track & Field Classic    Apr 22-23, 2011
100 11.34 (1.2) 14th (F)
200 23.00 (2.3) 11th (F)
4x100 43.84 5th (F)
MIAA Jamboree    Apr 16, 2011
100 12.31 (-5.7) 17th (F)
200 24.17 (-3.7) 11th (F)
4x100 43.8 5th (F)
Ferris State Bulldog Invite    Apr 9, 2011
100 11.60 (-1.3) 7th (F)
4x100 44.29 8th (F)
Grand Rapids Open    Apr 2, 2011
100 11.42 9th (F)
4x100 44.02 3rd (F)
4x200 1:33.09 4th (F)
Rhodes Open    Mar 18-19, 2011
100 11.96 (-2.9) 20th (F)
200 24.13 (+0.0) 38th (F)
Trine MIAA Invitational    Feb 26, 2011
60 7.31 12th (P)
200 23.95 12th (F)
4x200 1:40.65 4th (F)
Grand Valley Tune-Up    Feb 18, 2011
60 7.35 21st (P)
200 23.92 23rd (F)
GVSU Big Meet    Feb 11-12, 2011
60 7.25 36th (F)
Calvin College Invitational    Jan 28, 2011
55 6.82 7th (F)
200 23.98 8th (F)
GVSU Mike Lints Alumni Open    Jan 21, 2011
60 7.30 22nd (P)
200 23.66 34th (F)
GVSU Bob Eubanks Open    Jan 13-14, 2011
60 7.34 19th (P)
200 23.68 27th (F)
NCC Gregory Invitational    May 20-21, 2010
100 11.44 (1.2) 19th (P)
Dr. Keeler Track & Field Invitational    May 13-14, 2010
100 11.43 (0.4) 26th (F)
Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association    May 6- 7, 2010
100 11.49 (-2.0) 13th (P)
200 23.62 19th (P)
4x100 43.51 6th (F)
Benedictine University - Twilight Invitational    Apr 30, 2010
100 11.15 (6.5) 12th (F)
200 23.01 (2.6) 14th (F)
4x100 43.54 3rd (F)
Beneditcine Twilight    Apr 30, 2010
100 11.15 (6.5) 12th (F)
200 23.01 (2.6) 14th (F)
4x100 43.54 3rd (F)
Gina Relays    Apr 22-24, 2010
100 11.65 (1.0) 27th (F)
200 23.82 (-1.0) 41st (F)
MIAA Jamboree    Apr 17, 2010
100 11.62 (0.1) 16th (F)
200 24.26 (1.8) 15th (F)
Ferris State Bulldog Open    Apr 10, 2010
100 11.83 (-1.2) 19th (F)
200 24.24 (2.8) 31st (F)
4x100 43.44 5th (F)
Rhodes Open    Mar 20, 2010
100 11.79 (+0.0) 34th (F)
200 24.25 (1.0) 38th (F)
4x100 43.99 7th (F)
GVSU Big Meet    Feb 12-13, 2010
60 7.44 (+0.0) 70th (P)
200 24.16 (+0.0) 71st (F)
Grand Valley State Open    Jan 29, 2010
60 7.52 (+0.0) 31st (P)
200 23.93 (+0.0) 32nd (F)
GVSU Bob Eubanks Open    Jan 22, 2010
60 7.50 (+0.0) 39th (P)
200 24.54 (+0.0) 80th (F)
GVSU Mike Lints Alumni Open    Jan 15, 2010
60 7.2h (+0.0) 14th (P)
200 24.37 (+0.0) 27th (F)
True Team MIAA Track and Field Jamboree    Apr 12, 2008
100 11.56 (+0.0) 12th (F)
55 Meters (Indoor)
Calvin College Invitational Jan 28, 2011
60 Meters (Indoor)
Trine MIAA Invitational Feb 26, 2011
Grand Valley Tune-Up Feb 18, 2011
GVSU Big Meet Feb 11-12, 2011
GVSU Mike Lints Alumni Open Jan 21, 2011
GVSU Bob Eubanks Open Jan 13-14, 2011
7.44 (+0.0)
GVSU Big Meet Feb 12-13, 2010
7.52 (+0.0)
Grand Valley State Open Jan 29, 2010
7.50 (+0.0)
GVSU Bob Eubanks Open Jan 22, 2010
7.2h (+0.0)
GVSU Mike Lints Alumni Open Jan 15, 2010
100 Meters (Outdoor)
11.18 (1.3)
Gregory Invitational May 17-20, 2011
11.30 (1.0)
Dr. Keeler Invitational May 12-13, 2011
11.56 (-1.0)
Michigan Intercollegiate (MIAA) Track & Field Championships May 5- 6, 2011
Aquinas College Quad Meet Apr 29-30, 2011
11.34 (1.2)
Ernie Mousseau Track & Field Classic Apr 22-23, 2011
12.31 (-5.7)
MIAA Jamboree Apr 16, 2011
11.60 (-1.3)
Ferris State Bulldog Invite Apr 9, 2011
Grand Rapids Open Apr 2, 2011
11.96 (-2.9)
Rhodes Open Mar 18-19, 2011
11.44 (1.2)
NCC Gregory Invitational May 20-21, 2010
11.43 (0.4)
Dr. Keeler Track & Field Invitational May 13-14, 2010
11.49 (-2.0)
Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association May 6- 7, 2010
11.15 (6.5)
Benedictine University - Twilight Invitational Apr 30, 2010
11.15 (6.5)
Beneditcine Twilight Apr 30, 2010
11.65 (1.0)
Gina Relays Apr 22-24, 2010
11.62 (0.1)
MIAA Jamboree Apr 17, 2010
11.83 (-1.2)
Ferris State Bulldog Open Apr 10, 2010
11.79 (+0.0)
Rhodes Open Mar 20, 2010
11.56 (+0.0)
True Team MIAA Track and Field Jamboree Apr 12, 2008
200 Meters (Outdoor)
23.20 (0.3)
Gregory Invitational May 17-20, 2011
23.54 (-2.0)
Michigan Intercollegiate (MIAA) Track & Field Championships May 5- 6, 2011
23.00 (2.3)
Ernie Mousseau Track & Field Classic Apr 22-23, 2011
24.17 (-3.7)
MIAA Jamboree Apr 16, 2011
24.13 (+0.0)
Rhodes Open Mar 18-19, 2011
Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association May 6- 7, 2010
23.01 (2.6)
Benedictine University - Twilight Invitational Apr 30, 2010
23.01 (2.6)
Beneditcine Twilight Apr 30, 2010
23.82 (-1.0)
Gina Relays Apr 22-24, 2010
24.26 (1.8)
MIAA Jamboree Apr 17, 2010
24.24 (2.8)
Ferris State Bulldog Open Apr 10, 2010
24.25 (1.0)
Rhodes Open Mar 20, 2010
200 Meters (Indoor)
Trine MIAA Invitational Feb 26, 2011
Grand Valley Tune-Up Feb 18, 2011
Calvin College Invitational Jan 28, 2011
GVSU Mike Lints Alumni Open Jan 21, 2011
GVSU Bob Eubanks Open Jan 13-14, 2011
24.16 (+0.0)
GVSU Big Meet Feb 12-13, 2010
23.93 (+0.0)
Grand Valley State Open Jan 29, 2010
24.54 (+0.0)
GVSU Bob Eubanks Open Jan 22, 2010
24.37 (+0.0)
GVSU Mike Lints Alumni Open Jan 15, 2010
4 x 100 Relay (Outdoor)
Michigan Intercollegiate (MIAA) Track & Field Championships May 5- 6, 2011
Ernie Mousseau Track & Field Classic Apr 22-23, 2011
MIAA Jamboree Apr 16, 2011
Ferris State Bulldog Invite Apr 9, 2011
Grand Rapids Open Apr 2, 2011
Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association May 6- 7, 2010
Benedictine University - Twilight Invitational Apr 30, 2010
Beneditcine Twilight Apr 30, 2010
Ferris State Bulldog Open Apr 10, 2010
Rhodes Open Mar 20, 2010
4 x 200 Relay (Outdoor)
Grand Rapids Open Apr 2, 2011
4 x 200 Relay (Indoor)
Trine MIAA Invitational Feb 26, 2011

2011 Outdoors

100 Meters
11.18 (1.3)
Gregory Invitational May 17-20, 2011
11.30 (1.0)
Dr. Keeler Invitational May 12-13, 2011
11.56 (-1.0)
Michigan Intercollegiate (MIAA) Track & Field Championships May 5- 6, 2011
Aquinas College Quad Meet April 29-30, 2011
11.34 (1.2)
Ernie Mousseau Track & Field Classic April 22-23, 2011
12.31 (-5.7)
MIAA Jamboree April 16, 2011
11.60 (-1.3)
Ferris State Bulldog Invite April 9, 2011
Grand Rapids Open April 2, 2011
11.96 (-2.9)
Rhodes Open March 18-19, 2011
200 Meters
23.20 (0.3)
Gregory Invitational May 17-20, 2011
23.54 (-2.0)
Michigan Intercollegiate (MIAA) Track & Field Championships May 5- 6, 2011
23.00 (2.3)
Ernie Mousseau Track & Field Classic April 22-23, 2011
24.17 (-3.7)
MIAA Jamboree April 16, 2011
24.13 (+0.0)
Rhodes Open March 18-19, 2011
4 x 100 Relay
Michigan Intercollegiate (MIAA) Track & Field Championships May 5- 6, 2011
Ernie Mousseau Track & Field Classic April 22-23, 2011
MIAA Jamboree April 16, 2011
Ferris State Bulldog Invite April 9, 2011
Grand Rapids Open April 2, 2011
4 x 200 Relay
Grand Rapids Open April 2, 2011

2011 Indoors

55 Meters
Calvin College Invitational January 28, 2011
60 Meters
Trine MIAA Invitational February 26, 2011
Grand Valley Tune-Up February 18, 2011
GVSU Big Meet February 11-12, 2011
GVSU Mike Lints Alumni Open January 21, 2011
GVSU Bob Eubanks Open January 13-14, 2011
200 Meters
Trine MIAA Invitational February 26, 2011
Grand Valley Tune-Up February 18, 2011
Calvin College Invitational January 28, 2011
GVSU Mike Lints Alumni Open January 21, 2011
GVSU Bob Eubanks Open January 13-14, 2011
4 x 200 Relay
Trine MIAA Invitational February 26, 2011

2010 Outdoors

100 Meters
11.44 (1.2)
NCC Gregory Invitational May 20-21, 2010
11.43 (0.4)
Dr. Keeler Track & Field Invitational May 13-14, 2010
11.49 (-2.0)
Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association May 6- 7, 2010
11.15 (6.5)
Benedictine University - Twilight Invitational April 30, 2010
11.15 (6.5)
Beneditcine Twilight April 30, 2010
11.65 (1.0)
Gina Relays April 22-24, 2010
11.62 (0.1)
MIAA Jamboree April 17, 2010
11.83 (-1.2)
Ferris State Bulldog Open April 10, 2010
11.79 (+0.0)
Rhodes Open March 20, 2010
200 Meters
Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association May 6- 7, 2010
23.01 (2.6)
Benedictine University - Twilight Invitational April 30, 2010
23.01 (2.6)
Beneditcine Twilight April 30, 2010
23.82 (-1.0)
Gina Relays April 22-24, 2010
24.26 (1.8)
MIAA Jamboree April 17, 2010
24.24 (2.8)
Ferris State Bulldog Open April 10, 2010
24.25 (1.0)
Rhodes Open March 20, 2010
4 x 100 Relay
Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association May 6- 7, 2010
Benedictine University - Twilight Invitational April 30, 2010
Beneditcine Twilight April 30, 2010
Ferris State Bulldog Open April 10, 2010
Rhodes Open March 20, 2010

2010 Indoors

60 Meters
7.44 (+0.0)
GVSU Big Meet February 12-13, 2010
7.52 (+0.0)
Grand Valley State Open January 29, 2010
7.50 (+0.0)
GVSU Bob Eubanks Open January 22, 2010
7.2h (+0.0)
GVSU Mike Lints Alumni Open January 15, 2010
200 Meters
24.16 (+0.0)
GVSU Big Meet February 12-13, 2010
23.93 (+0.0)
Grand Valley State Open January 29, 2010
24.54 (+0.0)
GVSU Bob Eubanks Open January 22, 2010
24.37 (+0.0)
GVSU Mike Lints Alumni Open January 15, 2010

2008 Outdoors

100 Meters
11.56 (+0.0)
True Team MIAA Track and Field Jamboree April 12, 2008
100 Meters (Outdoors)
11.18 (1.3)
(May 17-20, 2011)
11.43 (0.4)
11.56 (+0.0)
200 Meters (Outdoors)
23.20 (0.3)
(May 17-20, 2011)
55 Meters (Indoors)
(Jan 28, 2011)
60 Meters (Indoors)
(Feb 11-12, 2011)
7.2h (+0.0)
(Jan 15, 2010)
200 Meters (Indoors)
(Jan 21, 2011)
23.93 (+0.0)
(Jan 29, 2010)