College Bests

55 100
11.97 (1.8)
24.30 (1.7)
State of Maine Men's Outdoor Championships    Apr 23, 2011
100 11.97 (1.8) 11th (F)
200 24.30 (1.7) 17th (F)
Bates Quad    Apr 9, 2011
100 12.15 (1.9) 12th (F)
4x100 46.68 4th (F)
Maine & Bates Spring Meet    Apr 3, 2011
100 12.15 7th (F)
200 25.26 7th (F)
MIT Coed Invitational #2    Feb 13, 2010
400 57.51 17th (F)
Maine State Men's Collegiate Championships    Feb 6, 2010
55 7.20 (+0.0) 13th (P)
200 25.03 (+0.0) 19th (F)
Southern Maine Invitational    Jan 30, 2010
55 7.19 (+0.0) 17th (P)
200 25.08 (+0.0) 11th (F)
Bates Indoor Invitational    Jan 22-23, 2010
55 7.14 (+0.0) 10th (P)
200 24.98 (+0.0) 19th (F)
MIT vs. Bates/Colby    Jan 16, 2010
55 7.13 (+0.0) 9th (P)
200 24.78 (+0.0) 10th (F)
4x400 3:47.49 4th (F)
55 Meters (Indoor)
7.20 (+0.0)
Maine State Men's Collegiate Championships Feb 6, 2010
7.19 (+0.0)
Southern Maine Invitational Jan 30, 2010
7.14 (+0.0)
Bates Indoor Invitational Jan 22-23, 2010
7.13 (+0.0)
MIT vs. Bates/Colby Jan 16, 2010
100 Meters (Outdoor)
11.97 (1.8)
State of Maine Men's Outdoor Championships Apr 23, 2011
12.15 (1.9)
Bates Quad Apr 9, 2011
Maine & Bates Spring Meet Apr 3, 2011
200 Meters (Outdoor)
24.30 (1.7)
State of Maine Men's Outdoor Championships Apr 23, 2011
Maine & Bates Spring Meet Apr 3, 2011
200 Meters (Indoor)
25.03 (+0.0)
Maine State Men's Collegiate Championships Feb 6, 2010
25.08 (+0.0)
Southern Maine Invitational Jan 30, 2010
24.98 (+0.0)
Bates Indoor Invitational Jan 22-23, 2010
24.78 (+0.0)
MIT vs. Bates/Colby Jan 16, 2010
400 Meters (Indoor)
MIT Coed Invitational #2 Feb 13, 2010
4 x 100 Relay (Outdoor)
Bates Quad Apr 9, 2011
4 x 400 Relay (Indoor)
MIT vs. Bates/Colby Jan 16, 2010

2011 Outdoors

100 Meters
11.97 (1.8)
State of Maine Men's Outdoor Championships April 23, 2011
12.15 (1.9)
Bates Quad April 9, 2011
Maine & Bates Spring Meet April 3, 2011
200 Meters
24.30 (1.7)
State of Maine Men's Outdoor Championships April 23, 2011
Maine & Bates Spring Meet April 3, 2011
4 x 100 Relay
Bates Quad April 9, 2011

2010 Indoors

55 Meters
7.20 (+0.0)
Maine State Men's Collegiate Championships February 6, 2010
7.19 (+0.0)
Southern Maine Invitational January 30, 2010
7.14 (+0.0)
Bates Indoor Invitational January 22-23, 2010
7.13 (+0.0)
MIT vs. Bates/Colby January 16, 2010
200 Meters
25.03 (+0.0)
Maine State Men's Collegiate Championships February 6, 2010
25.08 (+0.0)
Southern Maine Invitational January 30, 2010
24.98 (+0.0)
Bates Indoor Invitational January 22-23, 2010
24.78 (+0.0)
MIT vs. Bates/Colby January 16, 2010
400 Meters
MIT Coed Invitational #2 February 13, 2010
4 x 400 Relay
MIT vs. Bates/Colby January 16, 2010
100 Meters (Outdoors)
11.97 (1.8)
200 Meters (Outdoors)
24.30 (1.7)
55 Meters (Indoors)
7.13 (+0.0)
(Jan 16, 2010)
200 Meters (Indoors)
24.78 (+0.0)
(Jan 16, 2010)
400 Meters (Indoors)
(Feb 13, 2010)