January 13, 2018
North Dakota St.-Bison Sports Arena - Fargo, ND
200m (Flat)

Women's Mile

1 Annika Rotvold JR-3 North Dakota State 5:01.01 5:13.05 4:27.90
2 Kelby Anderson FR-1 North Dakota State 5:02.22 3:34.58 4:35.02
3 Jaiden Schuette JR-3 U-Mary 5:02.62 5:20.78 4:56.57
4 Kendra Dykstra SO-2 South Dakota St. 5:03.64 6:07.41 5:37.04
5 Katie Bostrom JR-3 North Dakota State 5:03.76 5:18.95 6:01.48
6 Madison Overby SO-2 North Dakota 5:08.65 5:17.91 4:00.75
7 Ashley Perez SO-2 North Dakota State 5:09.27 4:01.23 5:55.66
8 Cailee Peterson FR-1 South Dakota St. 5:09.92 4:20.34 4:32.73
9 Nicole Balzer   U of Manitoba 5:10.49 4:02.19 4:27.03
10 Jen Dufner FR-1 North Dakota State 5:11.97 4:34.54 5:02.61
11 Kayla Huhnerkoch JR-3 UNAT-North Dakota State 5:12.69 4:53.93 4:53.93
12 Ellyssa Peterson FR-1 North Dakota 5:13.51 5:10.38 4:07.68
13 Mackenzie Schell SR-4 South Dakota St. 5:14.42 4:05.25 6:04.73
14 Brynnan Covington   UNAT-North Dakota State 5:16.82 4:32.47 5:13.66
15 Kate Fox SO-2 U-Mary 5:17.93 4:07.99 3:52.09
16 Alaysia Freetly JR-3 North Dakota State 5:18.11 4:46.30 6:15.37
17 Grace Gannon   UNAT-North Dakota State 5:19.01 6:00.49 3:52.88
18 Makenzie Smith SR-4 MSU-Moorhead 5:19.71 4:31.76 5:32.50
19 Sydney Wendt FR-1 U-Mary 5:20.74 5:59.23 4:23.01
20 Anna Fasen SO-2 South Dakota St. 5:21.45 6:16.10 5:47.17
21 Marissa Carlson JR-3 MSU-Moorhead 5:23.99 3:59.76 5:46.67
22 Paige Larson JR-3 Northern State 5:26.54 4:01.64 6:51.44
23 Janine Zajac   U of Manitoba 5:26.92 4:34.62 4:11.73
24 Shelby Bickett JR-3 South Dakota St. 5:33.57 6:33.62 6:16.94
25 Chrissy Lofgren SO-2 St. Cloud State 5:37.77 6:11.55 4:53.86
26 Shayna Giesbrecht   U of Manitoba 5:38.63 5:35.25 5:58.95
27 Mary Krause FR-1 South Dakota St. 5:41.11 5:07.00 4:26.07
28 Livia Wallace FR-1 Northern State 5:43.41 5:15.94 5:02.20
29 Emily Hultin FR-1 MSU-Moorhead 5:44.92 4:11.80 4:46.29
30 Sarah Millns   U of Manitoba 5:50.86 6:08.41 5:50.86
31 Samantha Swenson SO-2 MSU-Moorhead 5:56.27 5:49.15 5:49.15
32 Kristina Fricke FR-1 Valley City State 5:59.58 4:22.50 6:31.95
33 Whitney Welder SO-2 MSU-Moorhead 6:00.91 4:55.95 5:14.00
34 Zoe Kraft FR-1 MSU-Moorhead 6:05.01 7:21.67 4:59.31
Women's Mile Section 1
1 Annika Rotvold JR-3 North Dakota State 4:09.84 4:45.96 5:01.01
2 Kelby Anderson FR-1 North Dakota State 4:50.14 3:40.62 5:02.22
3 Jaiden Schuette JR-3 U-Mary 3:40.92 6:06.17 5:02.62
4 Kendra Dykstra SO-2 South Dakota St. 4:36.32 5:52.23 5:03.64
5 Katie Bostrom JR-3 North Dakota State 3:41.75 3:50.86 5:03.76
7 Ashley Perez SO-2 North Dakota State 5:37.11 6:32.78 5:09.27
8 Cailee Peterson FR-1 South Dakota St. 5:56.41 4:29.63 5:09.92
9 Nicole Balzer   U of Manitoba 6:25.01 4:51.86 5:10.49
10 Jen Dufner FR-1 North Dakota State 5:33.81 6:29.97 5:11.97
11 Kayla Huhnerkoch JR-3 UNAT-North Dakota State 3:38.89 5:00.19 5:12.69
13 Mackenzie Schell SR-4 South Dakota St. 5:04.99 5:33.29 5:14.42
14 Brynnan Covington   UNAT-North Dakota State 4:22.96 6:23.36 5:16.82
15 Kate Fox SO-2 U-Mary 3:48.91 4:39.78 5:17.93
16 Alaysia Freetly JR-3 North Dakota State 6:05.83 4:14.49 5:18.11
17 Grace Gannon   UNAT-North Dakota State 3:59.26 5:19.01 5:19.01
21 Marissa Carlson JR-3 MSU-Moorhead 4:22.44 4:51.60 5:23.99
Women's Mile Section 2
6 Madison Overby SO-2 North Dakota 5:08.65 4:13.10
12 Ellyssa Peterson FR-1 North Dakota 5:13.51 5:26.05
18 Makenzie Smith SR-4 MSU-Moorhead 5:19.71 6:04.47
19 Sydney Wendt FR-1 U-Mary 5:20.74 5:17.54
20 Anna Fasen SO-2 South Dakota St. 5:21.45 5:18.24
22 Paige Larson JR-3 Northern State 5:26.54 7:04.51
23 Janine Zajac   U of Manitoba 5:26.92 4:50.96
24 Shelby Bickett JR-3 South Dakota St. 5:33.57 6:00.26
25 Chrissy Lofgren SO-2 St. Cloud State 5:37.77 7:08.97
26 Shayna Giesbrecht   U of Manitoba 5:38.63 6:29.43
27 Mary Krause FR-1 South Dakota St. 5:41.11 5:13.83
28 Livia Wallace FR-1 Northern State 5:43.41 6:28.06
29 Emily Hultin FR-1 MSU-Moorhead 5:44.92 5:51.82
30 Sarah Millns   U of Manitoba 5:50.86 6:11.92
31 Samantha Swenson SO-2 MSU-Moorhead 5:56.27 6:28.34
32 Kristina Fricke FR-1 Valley City State 5:59.58 5:41.60
33 Whitney Welder SO-2 MSU-Moorhead 6:00.91 7:31.14
34 Zoe Kraft FR-1 MSU-Moorhead 6:05.01 6:23.26