College Bests

60 100
11.49 (+0.0)
23.72 (1.0)

NCAA West First Round    May 22-25, 2024
100 11.29 (2.1) 21st (P)
100 11.16 (4.7) 21st (P)
2024 WAC Outdoor Conference Championship    May 9-11, 2024
100 11.79 (-0.8) 6th (F)
100 11.53 (2.4) 3rd (P)
200 23.75 (-1.5) 3rd (F)
200 24.05 (2.8) 9th (P)
4x100 45.06 4th (F)
Texas Invitational    Apr 26-27, 2024
100 11.32 (2.8) 8th (F)
200 23.78 (4.5) 13th (F)
4x100 46.84 1st (F)
Michael Johnson Invitational    Apr 19-20, 2024
200 24.41 (0.4) 23rd (F)
John Jacobs Invitational    Apr 12-13, 2024
100 11.49 (1.1) 1st (F)
44 Farms Team Invitational    Apr 5- 6, 2024
100 11.67 (3.5) 11th (F)
200 23.70 (3.3) 8th (F)
2024 96th Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays    Mar 27-30, 2024
100 11.32 (2.5) 17th (P)
4x100 47.26 35th (P)
Clyde Hart Classic    Mar 22-23, 2024
100 11.73 (-0.4) 8th (F)
200 24.17 (1.4) 11th (F)
4x100 45.18 3rd (F)
TCU Alumni Invitational 2024    Mar 15-16, 2024
100 11.84 (0.9) 4th (F)
4x100 46.31 4th (F)
UTA invitational    Mar 7- 8, 2024
100 11.62 (1.0) 1st (F)
200 24.34 (0.2) 1st (F)
WAC Indoor Track & Field Championship    Feb 19-20, 2024
60 7.44 3rd (F)
60 7.45 6th (P)
200 24.61 11th (P)
Jarvis Scott Open    Feb 9-10, 2024
60 7.57 23rd (P)
200 24.82 29th (F)
4x400 3:58.07 17th (F)
Robert Platt Invitational    Jan 26-27, 2024
60 7.63 16th (P)
60 7.61 10th (P)
200 25.73 55th (F)
Arkansas Invitational    Jan 12, 2024
60 7.71 17th (P)
200 25.58 16th (F)
NCAA West Preliminary Round    May 24-27, 2023
100 11.75 (1.4) 43rd (P)
2023 WAC Outdoor Track & Field Championships    May 11-13, 2023
100 11.64 (+0.0) 3rd (F)
100 11.49 (1.7) 2nd (P)
200 23.78 (0.3) 5th (F)
200 23.72 (1.0) 2nd (P)
4x100 44.20 1st (F)
Oliver Jackson Twilight    Apr 27, 2023
100 11.49 (+0.0) 1st (F)
200 23.76 (1.3) 2nd (F)
Michael Johnson Invitational    Apr 21-22, 2023
100 11.53 (0.5) 9th (F)
200 24.05 (1.6) 20th (F)
4x100 44.32 3rd (F)
Sooner Invitational & Multis    Apr 14-15, 2023
100 11.74 (-0.6) 1st (F)
100 11.69 (2.0) 4th (P)
200 25.06 (4.2) 15th (F)
4x100 44.76 1st (F)
2023 North Texas Classic    Apr 8, 2023
100 11.73 (-1.6) 3rd (F)
100 11.57 (1.0) 1st (P)
4x100 44.73 1st (F)
Bobcat Invitational 2023    Mar 30-Apr 1, 2023
200 23.91 (1.4) 12th (F)
2023 95th Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays    Mar 29-Apr 1, 2023
100 11.51 (2.1) 5th (F)
4x100 45.63 22nd (P)
Clyde Hart Classic    Mar 24-25, 2023
100 11.78 (-0.3) 6th (F)
200 24.14 (0.2) 10th (F)
4x100 44.96 2nd (F)
TCU Alumni Invitational    Mar 17-18, 2023
100 11.92 (3.1) 9th (F)
4x100 45.71 3rd (F)
UTA Invitational    Mar 9-10, 2023
100 11.60 (2.3) 1st (F)
200 24.98 (-0.2) 3rd (F)
4x100 45.83 1st (F)
2023 WAC Indoor Track and Field Championship    Feb 24-25, 2023
60 7.57 15th (P)
Howie Ryan Invitaional    Feb 10, 2023
60 7.85 8th (F)
60 7.81 6th (P)
200 26.15 21st (F)
Texas Tech Open    Jan 26-28, 2023
60 7.86 40th (P)
Arkansas Invitational    Jan 13, 2023
60 7.70 17th (P)
Sun Belt Outdoor Championships    May 12-14, 2022
100 11.91 (-0.1) 11th (P)
200 25.17 (-4.8) 21st (P)
2022 UTA Invitational    Apr 28, 2022
100 11.79 (3.5) 5th (F)
200 24.40 (2.5) 4th (F)
4x100 45.74 3rd (F)
Michael Johnson Invitational    Apr 22-23, 2022
100 11.76 (1.5) 25th (F)
200 24.97 (4.9) 42nd (F)
North Texas Classic    Apr 9, 2022
100 11.88 (2.1) 4th (F)
200 24.20 (4.6) 7th (F)
Baylor Invitational    Apr 2, 2022
100 11.96 (1.8) 15th (F)
200 24.71 (1.7) 23rd (F)
4x100 44.93 3rd (F)
2022 94th Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays    Mar 23-26, 2022
4x100 45.77 14th (P)
TCU Invitational    Mar 18-19, 2022
100 12.01 (0.9) 15th (F)
200 24.90 (0.7) 21st (F)
UTA vs. UNT Dual    Mar 12, 2022
100 12.40 (-0.7) 5th (F)
200 25.29 (2.5) 4th (F)
4x100 45.84 1st (F)
Sun Belt Conference Indoor T&F Championships 2022    Feb 21-22, 2022
60 7.67 20th (P)
60 7.67 3rd (P)
Charlie Thomas Invitational    Feb 4- 5, 2022
60 7.72 27th (P)
Texas Tech Open & Multis    Jan 28-29, 2022
60 7.83 40th (P)
200 26.27 69th (F)
Aggie Invitational    Jan 22, 2022
60 8.02 20th (P)
Ted Nelson Invitational    Jan 15, 2022
60 8.10 24th (P)
60 Meters (Indoor)
WAC Indoor Track & Field Championship Feb 19-20, 2024
WAC Indoor Track & Field Championship Feb 19-20, 2024
Jarvis Scott Open Feb 9-10, 2024
Robert Platt Invitational Jan 26-27, 2024
Robert Platt Invitational Jan 26-27, 2024
Arkansas Invitational Jan 12, 2024
2023 WAC Indoor Track and Field Championship Feb 24-25, 2023
Howie Ryan Invitaional Feb 10, 2023
Howie Ryan Invitaional Feb 10, 2023
Texas Tech Open Jan 26-28, 2023
Arkansas Invitational Jan 13, 2023
Sun Belt Conference Indoor T&F Championships 2022 Feb 21-22, 2022
Sun Belt Conference Indoor T&F Championships 2022 Feb 21-22, 2022
Charlie Thomas Invitational Feb 4- 5, 2022
Texas Tech Open & Multis Jan 28-29, 2022
Aggie Invitational Jan 22, 2022
Ted Nelson Invitational Jan 15, 2022
100 Meters (Outdoor)
11.29 (2.1)
NCAA West First Round May 22-25, 2024
11.16 (4.7)
NCAA West First Round May 22-25, 2024
11.79 (-0.8)
2024 WAC Outdoor Conference Championship May 9-11, 2024
11.53 (2.4)
2024 WAC Outdoor Conference Championship May 9-11, 2024
11.32 (2.8)
Texas Invitational Apr 26-27, 2024
11.49 (1.1)
John Jacobs Invitational Apr 12-13, 2024
11.67 (3.5)
44 Farms Team Invitational Apr 5- 6, 2024
11.32 (2.5)
2024 96th Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays Mar 27-30, 2024
11.73 (-0.4)
Clyde Hart Classic Mar 22-23, 2024
11.84 (0.9)
TCU Alumni Invitational 2024 Mar 15-16, 2024
11.62 (1.0)
UTA invitational Mar 7- 8, 2024
11.75 (1.4)
NCAA West Preliminary Round May 24-27, 2023
11.64 (+0.0)
2023 WAC Outdoor Track & Field Championships May 11-13, 2023
11.49 (1.7)
2023 WAC Outdoor Track & Field Championships May 11-13, 2023
11.49 (+0.0)
Oliver Jackson Twilight Apr 27, 2023
11.53 (0.5)
Michael Johnson Invitational Apr 21-22, 2023
11.74 (-0.6)
Sooner Invitational & Multis Apr 14-15, 2023
11.69 (2.0)
Sooner Invitational & Multis Apr 14-15, 2023
11.73 (-1.6)
2023 North Texas Classic Apr 8, 2023
11.57 (1.0)
2023 North Texas Classic Apr 8, 2023
11.51 (2.1)
2023 95th Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays Mar 29-Apr 1, 2023
11.78 (-0.3)
Clyde Hart Classic Mar 24-25, 2023
11.92 (3.1)
TCU Alumni Invitational Mar 17-18, 2023
11.60 (2.3)
UTA Invitational Mar 9-10, 2023
11.91 (-0.1)
Sun Belt Outdoor Championships May 12-14, 2022
11.79 (3.5)
2022 UTA Invitational Apr 28, 2022
11.76 (1.5)
Michael Johnson Invitational Apr 22-23, 2022
11.88 (2.1)
North Texas Classic Apr 9, 2022
11.96 (1.8)
Baylor Invitational Apr 2, 2022
12.01 (0.9)
TCU Invitational Mar 18-19, 2022
12.40 (-0.7)
UTA vs. UNT Dual Mar 12, 2022
200 Meters (Outdoor)
23.75 (-1.5)
2024 WAC Outdoor Conference Championship May 9-11, 2024
24.05 (2.8)
2024 WAC Outdoor Conference Championship May 9-11, 2024
23.78 (4.5)
Texas Invitational Apr 26-27, 2024
24.41 (0.4)
Michael Johnson Invitational Apr 19-20, 2024
23.70 (3.3)
44 Farms Team Invitational Apr 5- 6, 2024
24.17 (1.4)
Clyde Hart Classic Mar 22-23, 2024
24.34 (0.2)
UTA invitational Mar 7- 8, 2024
23.78 (0.3)
2023 WAC Outdoor Track & Field Championships May 11-13, 2023
23.72 (1.0)
2023 WAC Outdoor Track & Field Championships May 11-13, 2023
23.76 (1.3)
Oliver Jackson Twilight Apr 27, 2023
24.05 (1.6)
Michael Johnson Invitational Apr 21-22, 2023
25.06 (4.2)
Sooner Invitational & Multis Apr 14-15, 2023
23.91 (1.4)
Bobcat Invitational 2023 Mar 30-Apr 1, 2023
24.14 (0.2)
Clyde Hart Classic Mar 24-25, 2023
24.98 (-0.2)
UTA Invitational Mar 9-10, 2023
25.17 (-4.8)
Sun Belt Outdoor Championships May 12-14, 2022
24.40 (2.5)
2022 UTA Invitational Apr 28, 2022
24.97 (4.9)
Michael Johnson Invitational Apr 22-23, 2022
24.20 (4.6)
North Texas Classic Apr 9, 2022
24.71 (1.7)
Baylor Invitational Apr 2, 2022
24.90 (0.7)
TCU Invitational Mar 18-19, 2022
25.29 (2.5)
UTA vs. UNT Dual Mar 12, 2022
200 Meters (Indoor)
WAC Indoor Track & Field Championship Feb 19-20, 2024
Jarvis Scott Open Feb 9-10, 2024
Robert Platt Invitational Jan 26-27, 2024
Arkansas Invitational Jan 12, 2024
Howie Ryan Invitaional Feb 10, 2023
Texas Tech Open & Multis Jan 28-29, 2022
4 x 100 Relay (Outdoor)
2024 WAC Outdoor Conference Championship May 9-11, 2024
Texas Invitational Apr 26-27, 2024
2024 96th Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays Mar 27-30, 2024
Clyde Hart Classic Mar 22-23, 2024
TCU Alumni Invitational 2024 Mar 15-16, 2024
2023 WAC Outdoor Track & Field Championships May 11-13, 2023
Michael Johnson Invitational Apr 21-22, 2023
Sooner Invitational & Multis Apr 14-15, 2023
2023 North Texas Classic Apr 8, 2023
2023 95th Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays Mar 29-Apr 1, 2023
Clyde Hart Classic Mar 24-25, 2023
TCU Alumni Invitational Mar 17-18, 2023
UTA Invitational Mar 9-10, 2023
2022 UTA Invitational Apr 28, 2022
Baylor Invitational Apr 2, 2022
2022 94th Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays Mar 23-26, 2022
UTA vs. UNT Dual Mar 12, 2022
4 x 400 Relay (Indoor)
Jarvis Scott Open Feb 9-10, 2024

2024 Outdoors

100 Meters
11.29 (2.1)
NCAA West First Round May 22-25, 2024
11.16 (4.7)
NCAA West First Round May 22-25, 2024
11.79 (-0.8)
2024 WAC Outdoor Conference Championship May 9-11, 2024
11.53 (2.4)
2024 WAC Outdoor Conference Championship May 9-11, 2024
11.32 (2.8)
Texas Invitational April 26-27, 2024
11.49 (1.1)
John Jacobs Invitational April 12-13, 2024
11.67 (3.5)
44 Farms Team Invitational April 5- 6, 2024
11.32 (2.5)
2024 96th Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays March 27-30, 2024
11.73 (-0.4)
Clyde Hart Classic March 22-23, 2024
11.84 (0.9)
TCU Alumni Invitational 2024 March 15-16, 2024
11.62 (1.0)
UTA invitational March 7- 8, 2024
200 Meters
23.75 (-1.5)
2024 WAC Outdoor Conference Championship May 9-11, 2024
24.05 (2.8)
2024 WAC Outdoor Conference Championship May 9-11, 2024
23.78 (4.5)
Texas Invitational April 26-27, 2024
24.41 (0.4)
Michael Johnson Invitational April 19-20, 2024
23.70 (3.3)
44 Farms Team Invitational April 5- 6, 2024
24.17 (1.4)
Clyde Hart Classic March 22-23, 2024
24.34 (0.2)
UTA invitational March 7- 8, 2024
4 x 100 Relay
2024 WAC Outdoor Conference Championship May 9-11, 2024
Texas Invitational April 26-27, 2024
2024 96th Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays March 27-30, 2024
Clyde Hart Classic March 22-23, 2024
TCU Alumni Invitational 2024 March 15-16, 2024

2024 Indoors

60 Meters
WAC Indoor Track & Field Championship February 19-20, 2024
WAC Indoor Track & Field Championship February 19-20, 2024
Jarvis Scott Open February 9-10, 2024
Robert Platt Invitational January 26-27, 2024
Robert Platt Invitational January 26-27, 2024
Arkansas Invitational January 12, 2024
200 Meters
WAC Indoor Track & Field Championship February 19-20, 2024
Jarvis Scott Open February 9-10, 2024
Robert Platt Invitational January 26-27, 2024
Arkansas Invitational January 12, 2024
4 x 400 Relay
Jarvis Scott Open February 9-10, 2024

2023 Outdoors

100 Meters
11.75 (1.4)
NCAA West Preliminary Round May 24-27, 2023
11.64 (+0.0)
2023 WAC Outdoor Track & Field Championships May 11-13, 2023
11.49 (1.7)
2023 WAC Outdoor Track & Field Championships May 11-13, 2023
11.49 (+0.0)
Oliver Jackson Twilight April 27, 2023
11.53 (0.5)
Michael Johnson Invitational April 21-22, 2023
11.74 (-0.6)
Sooner Invitational & Multis April 14-15, 2023
11.69 (2.0)
Sooner Invitational & Multis April 14-15, 2023
11.73 (-1.6)
2023 North Texas Classic April 8, 2023
11.57 (1.0)
2023 North Texas Classic April 8, 2023
11.51 (2.1)
2023 95th Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays March 29-April 1, 2023
11.78 (-0.3)
Clyde Hart Classic March 24-25, 2023
11.92 (3.1)
TCU Alumni Invitational March 17-18, 2023
11.60 (2.3)
UTA Invitational March 9-10, 2023
200 Meters
23.78 (0.3)
2023 WAC Outdoor Track & Field Championships May 11-13, 2023
23.72 (1.0)
2023 WAC Outdoor Track & Field Championships May 11-13, 2023
23.76 (1.3)
Oliver Jackson Twilight April 27, 2023
24.05 (1.6)
Michael Johnson Invitational April 21-22, 2023
25.06 (4.2)
Sooner Invitational & Multis April 14-15, 2023
23.91 (1.4)
Bobcat Invitational 2023 March 30-April 1, 2023
24.14 (0.2)
Clyde Hart Classic March 24-25, 2023
24.98 (-0.2)
UTA Invitational March 9-10, 2023
4 x 100 Relay
2023 WAC Outdoor Track & Field Championships May 11-13, 2023
Michael Johnson Invitational April 21-22, 2023
Sooner Invitational & Multis April 14-15, 2023
2023 North Texas Classic April 8, 2023
2023 95th Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays March 29-April 1, 2023
Clyde Hart Classic March 24-25, 2023
TCU Alumni Invitational March 17-18, 2023
UTA Invitational March 9-10, 2023

2023 Indoors

60 Meters
2023 WAC Indoor Track and Field Championship February 24-25, 2023
Howie Ryan Invitaional February 10, 2023
Howie Ryan Invitaional February 10, 2023
Texas Tech Open January 26-28, 2023
Arkansas Invitational January 13, 2023
200 Meters
Howie Ryan Invitaional February 10, 2023

2022 Outdoors

100 Meters
11.91 (-0.1)
Sun Belt Outdoor Championships May 12-14, 2022
11.79 (3.5)
2022 UTA Invitational April 28, 2022
11.76 (1.5)
Michael Johnson Invitational April 22-23, 2022
11.88 (2.1)
North Texas Classic April 9, 2022
11.96 (1.8)
Baylor Invitational April 2, 2022
12.01 (0.9)
TCU Invitational March 18-19, 2022
12.40 (-0.7)
UTA vs. UNT Dual March 12, 2022
200 Meters
25.17 (-4.8)
Sun Belt Outdoor Championships May 12-14, 2022
24.40 (2.5)
2022 UTA Invitational April 28, 2022
24.97 (4.9)
Michael Johnson Invitational April 22-23, 2022
24.20 (4.6)
North Texas Classic April 9, 2022
24.71 (1.7)
Baylor Invitational April 2, 2022
24.90 (0.7)
TCU Invitational March 18-19, 2022
25.29 (2.5)
UTA vs. UNT Dual March 12, 2022
4 x 100 Relay
2022 UTA Invitational April 28, 2022
Baylor Invitational April 2, 2022
2022 94th Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays March 23-26, 2022
UTA vs. UNT Dual March 12, 2022

2022 Indoors

60 Meters
Sun Belt Conference Indoor T&F Championships 2022 February 21-22, 2022
Sun Belt Conference Indoor T&F Championships 2022 February 21-22, 2022
Charlie Thomas Invitational February 4- 5, 2022
Texas Tech Open & Multis January 28-29, 2022
Aggie Invitational January 22, 2022
Ted Nelson Invitational January 15, 2022
200 Meters
Texas Tech Open & Multis January 28-29, 2022
100 Meters (Outdoors)
11.49 (1.1)
(Apr 12-13, 2024)
11.49 (1.7)
11.76 (1.5)
(Apr 22-23, 2022)
200 Meters (Outdoors)
23.75 (-1.5)
23.72 (1.0)
24.71 (1.7)
(Apr 2, 2022)
60 Meters (Indoors)
200 Meters (Indoors)
(Feb 10, 2023)
(Jan 28-29, 2022)